Clay tiles

This was a Covid lockdown project but only completed recently. Individual tiles were made on MDF using clay in IOD moulds. Then all arranged on a wooden backing board! As you can tell it was made at a time when we were confined to our houses and needed to find something that would take a long time to make! It certainly did but was most enjoyable!

Verdigris Shelf Sitter

Verdigris effect

Can’t believe it’s over 18 months since I’ve posted to my website! It doesn’t mean I haven’t been actively crafting but busy with family.

This is a shelf sitter made for the lovely owner of my favourite clothing and homewares shop. It was made using air dry clay in IOD moulds, with an MDF base. The paints used were Vintage with Grace Copper. Then a wash of VWG Absinthe mixed with Belgium lace paint and wiped back to give a verdigris effect. Finally a wax with Liberon Verdigris wax.

Stencilled path

Now a bit of fine weather is here I’ve been smartening up my very small front garden. I painted the gate, gate posts and railings and even decided on black for my front door! Then eventually plucked up the courage to do something I’ve been wanting to do for ages which was to stencil the boring concrete slabs that make up my front path. I’m really pleased with the results but not sure how hardwearing it will be!

From this!
To this!
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